We had some friends over a few weeks ago to watch the UFC fights. Roger and Audrey came over with their little boys Matthew and Patrick and then our friend Dez. The girls all stayed upstairs and hung out with the babies and ate some good home-made pizzas while the boys watched the fights. Here is a pic of Roger and Bj. Best friends:) So cute:) p.s. they look like omish men because they grow beards before their fall hunting trip with their buddies...dorks:)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Growing Pains
Well, I don't know if any other 'mother' does this...but Braxton is growing sooooo BIG and it forced me to put some pajamas away in a bin (maybe for another baby someday:) and snoop through his baby clothes. Tear. He was sooooo small! Now they only snuggle when they are tired! These were some p.j.s we had for him when he was a newborn. His whole little body was as tall as his toes up to his waist right now! Crazy! It's such a overwhelming feeling seeing and smelling his baby clothes. Here is a pic for comparison:)
Also, on the topic of growing...Thumper is weighing in at 4 lbs. She is a little terror and enjoys digging dirt out of my plant pots in the house, eating x-mas light bulbs, chewing on golf balls, and shredding my poor plants to death. I am forced to punish her but feel her pain as she just lost ALL of her top and bottom baby teeth this last week at the same time!! Don't worry the new ones are growing in!
She wasn't satisfied with our picture together and said it didn't show her full size or personality, so she made me take this one of her alone. So cute:)
We have been busy making cupcakes the last few weeks. We tried some new healthy recipes and one unfortunately tasted healthy! So we made another batch the next week that were great! Braxton loves helping cook and I need one of those ladders for kids cooking in the kitchen that have sides so they don't fall off!! Here is bubs being silly working the mixer!
Cream cheese frosting....mmmmmmmmmmmm!
We did not have bubs this year for Halloween, so on the Thursday before we went to the 'Halloween Store' as Braxton calls it (Party America) and got a little clown costume. He has been a little weary of clowns for the past while now, so I thought how fun to dress him up as one so he understands it's not real!! He sat sooo still while we painted his face and then ran and danced around while we waited for Dad to come home so we could jump out and scare him and then carve pumpkins!
Braxton has also been enjoying washing his hands lately. We are trying to stay healthy during all of this H1N1 stuff:) He got his vaccine for that bug last Monday and has been doing great! We are also practicing sneezing into our elbow and disinfecting the grocery cart. You will have to excuse me in this pic, I had to stay close enough with the camera to make sure he didn't fall off of the counter:)
Here is our creepy little clown face, we think he looks like the joker...spooky!
Trying to put his sunglasses on Thump.
Dadeeeee and Bubs carving pumpkins. He was not a fan of digging out the goop with his hands.
Reading books with Dad before bedtime...this kid definitely has his favorites!
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