Wednesday, April 7, 2010

For your enjoyment

I always wonder why the dishes don't get done and the toys don't get picked up some nights, and now atleast I know that they are WAY to busy;) oh...and he usually says "oh my gosh" eeek.

Random news and a visit from Aunt Sam!

Random news #1: Braxton is a very cute girl...Random news #2: I seriously wore 2 different boots to church and my open house last Sunday. Just plain sad.

Cheers! Sam and I enjoyed an amazing dinner at Jakes, and of course a little vino:)


Braxton and Aunt Sam...Brax was pretend talking on her phone to Dad, he loved her!So while I was giving Braxton a little privacy to 'poop', he yelled out LAAALLLOOOOOO! I went in there and this is the proud face I see, and automaticaly assume he pooped...right?!!? .......

....and here is the poop. I was dying laughing b/c when I looked, only the smallest one was in there. I died laughing and made Sam come get a taste of potty training. We both laughed and laughed! Then after he tried a little harded the other small one came. Ha.

just playing...

Braxton took these next 2 pics, he obviously has some trouble b/c my camera is sooo heavy!

being silly eating lunch with Aunt Sam again!

and Brax trying to leave with Sam, I don't think Bj would have appreciated that!

Thanks for coming to visit us for a few quick days! It was much needed and I can't wait to head to Spokane in 1 month! Luv ya bear! Braxton says " YOU'RE BJ AUNT SAM!!!"


Easter is about celebrating new life, what a fun day we had spending it with our families. Grandma and Grandpa arrived in town and the fun never stopped! We had a nice time visiting a different Church on Sunday that Bj's parents attended back when they lived here. We also cooked a turkey and had many egg hunts. The little boys were a little candy crazy:) Also on the topic of new life, Bj's sister is pregnant for the third time and she is NOT finding out the sex! How crazy can she drive us!?! We are all excited and she will have quite the baby bump at our wedding this summer! Congrats ;) Uncle Nik and Brax

After church and the egg hunts the boys lined up to play on this big blow up slide thingy...Braxton is so cute waiting in lines but I'm getting a little tired of big kids cutting and pushing their way in front of him, watch out big kids or I'll have to teach you a lesson and Lalo will show you how it feels!

Our little politician

Like I said the goofing around never ended, Grandpa and Braxton 'fairy dancing' as they called it!

and Grandpa Robert....or waaabut as we call him when he acts a little 'special'!!

Braxton was being a little pill so I told him I was going to ship him to tim-buck-too and this box worked perfectly....but my plan didn't as he is sitting next to me right now;)

Go Simon Go!! Don't laugh at our Easter baskets, we had 'kid' ones but they were full of goodies, so they crown royal bags did the trick!


David was soo excited that he didn't have time to put his eggs in his bag and then he wouldn't have his hands free for more! Haha

Good job boys, who trained u to hunt for eggs!? They were all found! Happy late Easter!


I definitly need this...and have been researching it...because we bake sooo much...and sit on the counter...and if I turn my head for 2 seconds........this happens....

Poor bubba, I felt like a HORRIBLE mama, and boy did he scream:( It made us sick, Bj called it his early easter egg. Thank the lord the next morning it was just a bruise and a little sore.

Preparing for Easter:)

Braxton's masterpiece, one broke so they ate it!! I love an excuse to bake! Easter is one of them, and carrot cake cupcakes we sooo fitting.

Look how big Roo is getting!! She is such a sweet girl, all potty trained all. Now we just need to work on the barking, shock collar here I come! Are Grandma and Grandpa here yet!?

These are Braxton's cute little chicks he picked out at the store, we named one peep....:)

Bubs and Dad painting easter eggs, no dye this year! We did a glitter paint set instead of the traditional eggs, and they turned out super cute:)

Helping out on chore day, dusting the d*** blinds, they are so nice but such a pain!

UFC Fight Night

Happy Birthday Beej! We celebrated Bj's birthday with a few friends last Saturday night. We had amazing home-made pizzas and chocolate cupcakes, and maybe a few bevs;) Thanks for coming everyone, it was great to see u all!