Friday, October 16, 2009

One BIG Blog...Don't get lost in it!

Last week I took a spur of the moment trip to was very relaxing and much needed. While I was there I was able to get in an early morning hike with my Dad, spend time with my sister, eat at all my favorite restaurants, see my bestest and brother Tim and stay at their new home, check out Nordy and the Rack, AND get a massage at the Davenport. I downloaded 2 books on tape for the way there and back and it was a wonderful idea since it's hard for me to find time to read these days! Also, the main reason I went to Spokane was for my good friend Darcy's baby shower. She and her husband Aaron are having their first baby, which happens to be a boy, in November. I'm soooo HAPPY for them and I really wanted to show them my support because they have always been great friends to me. The miles between us have hardly dampered our relationships, every time we see each other seems the same as always:) Thanks for inviting me you two! I had a great time and miss you dearly!

Darcy and me at the baby shower

A few of the girls in front of the baby's decorated with camo and bears!

This was a picture of the hike with my Dad...we just went to see the Bowl and Pitcher, it was veryyyyyy early but nice and calm.

I love this picture...the sun was just up and shining on the river.

Here is my Dad! The only picture I have of him on our hike and he has his eyes closed! Sorry Dad!

Me! I was bored outside the outhouse:)

Here is my sister Katie, she kills me because she is exactly like me when I was in Highschool...the dinner table was not pleasant to say the least! (I never understood why I couldn't stay the night and my friend's houses every night of every weekend either Kate:)

Well everyone, this is Gus. He is a dark faced little man so it's hard to make out that sweet thing. Gus is Sam and Tim's new bubs. We spent a lot of time together and we even took a nap while Mom (Sam) was at work.

This night Tim and I went to meet Sam after she got off work and have some pizza. We watched a little football and had a great time! I miss laughing sooooo hard every time we are all together!


Poor brother Tim, I know it is very hard to put up with us, it's kinda like having 2 wives!

Well enough about me! Braxton has been a very busy boy lately. We watch BINGO, OLD MCDONALD'S FARM, and ABC's daily at our house and I'm starting to find myself humming them alone...I know sad. We have also been having as many play dates as we can get in before winter, going to the children's book reading at the library on Friday's, preparing the yard for fall, and decorating for Halloween! The snow came a little too early for us last week so I will be taking full advantage of this nice weekend ahead to make sure everything is done!

Story of our lives.

Reading group, we go with Audrey, Patrick, and Matthew. First it is reading and song time, then toys!

Here are all three of the boys playing. They are so cute together!

After the Library, we bring the boys to this little park to swing and slide and eat lunch! It had been such a good idea to let them run wild and then take them home for a much needed nap!

The Spider!

So, my Dad sent me home with Braxton's birthday gift in the trunk when I was in Spokane. He was a little nervous that Braxton might not like it but who are we kidding?! This kid is PURE boy and loves bikes, trucks, cars, motercycles, etc. Braxton was very excited after about 10 minutes of sitting on it ( it was early in the morning and he wasn't sure it was his yet:) He has been sitting on it and trying to ride it around the house ever since. He is a little clumsy and falls off a lot so it will stay indoors until next summer. I don't know if a helmet would do much saving the way this kid crashes!
The lovely new bike!


Decorating for Halloween, pulling all of Great Grandma's handmade decorations out veryyy carefully.

Gotta hand it to child photographers, it kinda makes you lose your sanity trying to take a picture of a two year old and 3 dogs on the front porch to show off his Halloween sticks in the flower pots!

Good Job!

So every couple of weeks Braxton gets to pick out something from the dollar section at Target because it's the only area he is allowed to be out of the stroller! This week we got Thumper a winter coat..haha! We thought since she is so little this will keep her warm when it snows!

Side Profile:)

We also had the Hermanson's over to watch a little Sunday Football last weekend. The boys all wore their Packer gear, then we found out the Packers weren't playing. Woops! Thanks for coming over.

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