Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting Ready for the Holidays!

Hello all, we sure have been busy preparing for the Holidays this season. We have had a lot of get togethers with friends and family before we head off to Columbia Falls for Christmas. We are very excited to go to Bj's parents house for the first time WITH Braxton. All of his cousins and aunts and uncles are going too. But before we do, here are a few pics of things that have been keeping us busy! This is Braxton on the rocking horse my Dad made for me when I was 3 or 4. It is missing it's ears but other than that it works like a charm! Braxton rides it so fast that he scoots across the room quite well:) It's a great distraction while he is watching cartoons and I am trying to work out! It has been very cold this year. Some days we feel like we are going house crazy because it is soooooooooooooo cold outside! The dogs even feel restless(trust me). So we have done our best to keep busy, playing with friends in the mall play area and riding our bike in the garage. It's amazing that Braxton can ride his bike with training wheels already! Good job buddy!

One day Aunt Audrey had some things to do so we had Patrick over to play. We had so much fun pulling EVERY toy out of the buckets and eating lunch together. Before nap time, which they took together in Braxton's little bed, we made Christmas crafts. We painted mini picture frames for Patrick's parents and our family. The boys loved it and did very well.

Getting ready for lunch!

Thanksgiving was very busy as well. All of our families ended up here in Billings, which gave us 3 houses and get-togethers to attend. So I decided not to cook this year and instead do an appetizer party the night before to bring all of our families together. My Dad and Step-mom hadn't met Bj's parents yet. We had great food and home-made sangria! Thanks for coming everyone! The next day, we made our rounds to my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Roche's to see my mom's side of the family, Bj's sister's house for his side, and Granny's house for my Dad's side. It was great to have 3 dinners! Here are some pics from the party at our house.

My sister Katie and Braxton
My sister's and Brother were keeping the little kids busy and happy downstairs while we had adult time upstairs. It was like they weren't even there! The little ones just love being around and playing with the big kids!
Brother Ben playing pool.
The next weekend we headed off to the indoor waterslide park to let the kids have some fun. Braxton is a fish and did NOT want to leave but we played our hearts out anyway. Here is Bj with Braxton and his partners kids Tailoranne and Kylen.
Tailoranne and Braxton on a pizza break!
Uncle Roger and Patrick in the lilly pad pool.
Matthew had a long day frezzing in the cold cute! His little cheeks were being taken over by his life jacket!
A few weekends later we went over to our friend's Destiny and Cj's house to watch the UFC fights. The boys (and moms) stayed up stairs and watched Christmas movies. They were all bundled up on the couch with their blankies before they fell asleep, and by 'they' I mean way was Patrick going to sleep!

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