Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A little sunscreen and off we go!

I must say that I didn't think the annual summer fair would become a part of my life again for quite some time. I started feeling to old for it a few years ago when just WATCHING the rides go around and around started making me sick! But now that Braxton is 2, he is all about doing fun activities, so this past Sunday we headed down to the fair. It ended up being a great day, only 80 degrees, and the kiddie ride area was partially shaded. Of course after leaving the house with the many things it takes to even leave the house, I forgot the camera bag. So my lovely phone had to do the trick! Here are a few Fun House pictures, I went with them the first time and then stayed with the stroller on the next trips.
This ride was cracking me up! They won't let Braxton on a lot of rides until he is 36'' tall, but they will let Bj on all the kiddie rides...a 6'4''-5'' man! He could barely fit his knees in the car, or should I say caterpillar:)
Here are my Marines, another ride all the Fair daddy's were shoved into! Braxton was really excited to fly in this one! He had all the gadgets moving like a mad man.
And last but not least, it was time for a few games. The guys working these stations were so nice, they kept giving Braxton stuffed animals even though he couldn't quite understand or win the game!
Overall, it was nice outing for the day... and I was able to eat an elephant ear without caring! We did end up going right in the middle of our daily nap time, but occasional exceptions are becoming easier...even though that afternoon 3-4 hour nap can be very crucial somedays! I have a feeling this is another start to my yearly fair adventures. It's so fun to watch Braxton scream at the sight of a Ferris Wheel...makes me remember when I couldn't wait to go to the fair...or get my parents to give me enough money! Hope everyone is having a great summer too!

1 comment:

blogger said...

really an interesting blog..