Monday, July 27, 2009

The terrible two's begin:)

Well, Mr. Braxton Johnson turned 2 this past Friday. Wow does time fly! We had quite the party for him on Sunday with all of our closest friends and family. It entailed swimming and sliding, kids and dogs EVERYWHERE, good food, lots of presents, and a great cake! The best part was that the black frosting from batman turned everyone's tongues black and their poop green!(Bj told me to say that)

I guess it's time for me to introduce Braxton's Birthday present 'Thumper'. We picked up this little gem at the airport Thursday night, she came all the way from Mississippi! She is extremely small and loves to hover around feet and bite toes. Besides that, she is doing quite well on potty training for an 8 week old and we are trying to get our other dogs to befriend her!

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! Don't judge me if I look a little stressed:) Hope everyone is doing well:)xoxo

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