Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Winter 2008

Here are a few fun pictures to introduce some of you to our friends/family/ and to share with you our past daily adventures! Here is Braxton helping Dad shovel, he could hardly walk in all his snow gear! This is our little man on Halloween 2008. Grandma Johnson made all her Grandsons matching pirate outfits for the special day! I think the sword was his favorite part!
Thanksgiving 2008. We all spent the day at my mom and her husband's home. It was a beautiful day and we had great food, and of course Braxton tried out the trusty trampoline for the first time.

Last November, Bj's sister and her family(husband and 2 boys) shared our home with us while they were looking for one of their own here in Billings. We had many great dinners and lots of crazy kids running around! On this day, Braxton and Simon helped Bj decorate the Christmas tree.

After Bj's sister and her family found a home, they got us a gift certificate to Fairmont Hotsprings right outside Butte, Mt. We used it almost immediately! Fairmont is a place where I grew up and I could not wait to go and hopefully continue the family tradition. There is nothing better than swimming all day, eating circus animal crackers from the vending machine, and running up six flights of stairs only to do a 1 minute long slide! Braxton also had the time of his life! We are so lucky that he loves the water!

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