Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The begining

Little Braxton came into our lives on July 24th, 2007. Braxton is Bj's son, and I am something similar to a step-mom! We have 3 to 4 days a week with him and try to make his life as normal and as fun as possible. Life has had it's ups and downs dealing with a broken home and a BM(nice term for baby mama) but things have been getting better and better every day. Bj and I deal with all of these struggles, it is challenging but makes us a stronger couple.

Life these days, as Braxton is almost 2, is going by way to fast! I was looking for a picture to post up top and ran across some videos of Braxton just trying to roll over! Now we are working on potty training, listening to Dad and Lalo(that's me), getting down those tricky words to 'twinkle twinkle little star', and holding hands in the street! It's funny how when Bubba(Braxton's nick-name) came along, our lives never drastically changed as far as getting used to having a baby in our lives. He has been awesome! Here is the video...

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