Monday, June 28, 2010

Movies and Such

Braxton saw his first movie in a theater this last Saturday and it was also in 3D. The glasses they have now are amazing and so cute, and they better be for $12 a person!! Holy cow movies are out of control expensive these days, we haven't been to one in years and it was shocking! The movie was very cute though, and as an adult it made me want to cry, and maybe I did a little! It's funny how your reaction to these movies changes as you grow up.
My two favorite men:)

Last night we went to a BBQ/pool party at Bj's partner Dan's house. Braxton was a prune to say the least after 4 hours of swimming! The kids had a blast and we didn't have to get in the pool once to help Braxton, he wore his life jacket and was really getting the kick of swimming. The food/drinks were great and we all enjoyed ourselves. Here are some of the kids warming up in the hot tub because the pool is only heated to 90 something degrees and it was only 90 degrees out!! Haha.
We have also been spending our days at the Country Club pool again, one of our favorite parts of summer. Braxton is doing great in the water but just needs a little technique. This summer is more work for me though because he doesn't want much to do with this kiddy pool anymore, he wants to be in the big one ALL THE TIME. On Sunday Bj got to come with us. Braxton spent the entire hour and a half going off the diving board, it was nice to have Bj's help and Braxton loved it!
It must have been a long winter;)

Fishing Trip 2010

So this past week over Father's Day, Bj took off for his annual Johnson fishing trip to Mobridge, SD. He always has such a good time being away from the daily grind/stress. I don't have any pictures of this year's trip because Braxton and I managed to spill coffee all over our main computer's keyboard where the pics were uploaded before they got erased, rats. I will post them when I can, anyway here is a pic of last year. The men ( Bj, his Dad, unlces, and some cousins) usually spend from sun up to sun down fishing and drinking A LOT of beer, it also happens to be the time of the year Bj butt dials me the most, Haha!
While he was gone, (of course) Billings had it's first tornado/tornados in about 50 years! The day was terrifying and the dogs and I spent about 3 hours in the basement freaking out. It rained sooooooooo hard and then hailed soooooooooo hard that I thought the roof was coming down! And then came the tornado and flood warning, eeeek! I didn't actually think it would happen but the sky was CRAZY. Sure enough, the main tornado touched down in the heights, and tore a few businesses and the Metra to shreds. The video's are nuts. Here is a pic and then a few of the damage.
The Billings Metra, that was completely empty the day of the tornado, and filled the night before for a Billings Outlaw indoor football game.
One of the businesses that was leveled, Main St. Casino.
It is amazing that everyone survived, what a blessing! I pray we never have one of these again...and if we do I don't want Bj to be out of town!

Cooney Days

Here starts out our camping season, the weather has been great so far but I can feel the heat coming:( I love nice warm days and rain all night, but the high temps are almost here and our little camper can pump out some heat, but lacks a.c. Here are some pics of our first and second outing up at Cooney. We are trying to get Thumper ready for camping a lot so we took many long walks to tire them out. I thought if they were tired they would rest in the camper and not bark, seems to be working so far. Here is a spot we walk to on the lake, this day was beautiful! Braxton and Dad's new waterproof camping/water shoes so Braxton doesn't have any problems like last time;) (I told him over and over not to go in the water with pumas on, but in the last 5 minutes of throwing rocks in the water he walked about 8 inches into the lake and had soaking wet shoes for the whole trip!

Our trusty little camper!

I'm sooo happy it is camping season, I love going to bed smelling like a campfire!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

'STAYcation'....I think not!!

Hello VEGAS!! It has been wayyyy to long:) After returning from my bridal shower in Spokane, Bj and I took off for a very unexpected and quick trip to vegas. The main reason for the trip was the UFC fight Rashad Evans vs. 'Rampage' Jackson, but we also shopped, gambled, relaxed by the pool, and got to see the World Series of Poker tourny in the Rio where we stayed. It was soooo much fun, but I was extremely exhausted from my Spokane trip the week before:)

Here is the machine that held our first $20 of the trip.

Mall Cop for REAL, awesome:)
No one was with us to take our pic, so this is pretty much it!
Our hotel room at the Mandarin Oriental where we stayed the first night, it was like a spa, loved it!

My favorite place in the world.
UFC at the MGM Grand, much larger than the one at the Palms.
Evans/Jackson face off, yikes!

My favorite guy, and of course he was the only one to get knocked out that night! Ha.
What a great trip!! Here are a few pics from my trip to Spokane, I had a great time staying with Sam and my family. I went on a beautiful run on the south hill, ate many good meals, saw some old friends and their new babies, and had a bridal shower. The trip was long and very relaxing, but I was excited to get home to my boys:)
Here are my lemon cupcakes Sam made for my shower, they are frosted in the colors of my wedding!
Gus the guard dog.
Sam, her mum, and baby Oakley, he was a total chick magnet!! I love that baby boy!!

Eating pizza at Sam and Tim's.

Thanks to everyone for a great shower and good times, see you soon for our big day!

Summer Days

Nothing is really new as of late, but here a few pics to keep you updated.

Braxton got new 'Big Boy' bedroom furniture!! He loves that top bunk, I pray for no broken bones!
Thumper in the backyard with one of her golf balls!
Braxton chasing Thumper because she steals his gold balls when he is golfing:)
Thule mama resting in the shade.

Thumper waiting for a chance at the golf ball...she is a weird dog!

By the Way....

OUR HOME IS FOR SALE!!! We decided to put it on the market to see what happens, yes right before our wedding, I know I know, I just pray the offer comes a month before or a month after our wedding day or might FREAK!

The Zoo!

Warm weather!! Thank the Lord! A few weekends ago the zoo opened and had a huge flower sale, so we took our chance to soak up some sun. Braxton and I met my mom, her husband John and his grandson, and my sister. Little did I know it was Lexi's weekend to take home her baby for that class in school they have now, and boy was that interesting!! That baby is pretty darn close to the real thing! We died laughing most of the time, and then were a little embarassed. It cried, then screamed, and then royally FREAKED out wailing soooooooooooooo LOUD!! You have to feed it, burp it, change it, keep it's neck held, etc. Whewww it was a lot of work, they should start these classes for kids much younger than 17, sometimes it's too late!!

Here is my sis trying to work her 'mommy' magic:)
Here is the goof ball of the century.
Always reaching for a BITE
Braxton and Domanic feeding the ducks

too cute!
Our favorite animals of the day...
The tiger NEVER is out in the open when we go to the zoo, and today he was right in the middle of his dandelion patch, yes!