Monday, June 28, 2010

Movies and Such

Braxton saw his first movie in a theater this last Saturday and it was also in 3D. The glasses they have now are amazing and so cute, and they better be for $12 a person!! Holy cow movies are out of control expensive these days, we haven't been to one in years and it was shocking! The movie was very cute though, and as an adult it made me want to cry, and maybe I did a little! It's funny how your reaction to these movies changes as you grow up.
My two favorite men:)

Last night we went to a BBQ/pool party at Bj's partner Dan's house. Braxton was a prune to say the least after 4 hours of swimming! The kids had a blast and we didn't have to get in the pool once to help Braxton, he wore his life jacket and was really getting the kick of swimming. The food/drinks were great and we all enjoyed ourselves. Here are some of the kids warming up in the hot tub because the pool is only heated to 90 something degrees and it was only 90 degrees out!! Haha.
We have also been spending our days at the Country Club pool again, one of our favorite parts of summer. Braxton is doing great in the water but just needs a little technique. This summer is more work for me though because he doesn't want much to do with this kiddy pool anymore, he wants to be in the big one ALL THE TIME. On Sunday Bj got to come with us. Braxton spent the entire hour and a half going off the diving board, it was nice to have Bj's help and Braxton loved it!
It must have been a long winter;)

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