Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Zoo!

Warm weather!! Thank the Lord! A few weekends ago the zoo opened and had a huge flower sale, so we took our chance to soak up some sun. Braxton and I met my mom, her husband John and his grandson, and my sister. Little did I know it was Lexi's weekend to take home her baby for that class in school they have now, and boy was that interesting!! That baby is pretty darn close to the real thing! We died laughing most of the time, and then were a little embarassed. It cried, then screamed, and then royally FREAKED out wailing soooooooooooooo LOUD!! You have to feed it, burp it, change it, keep it's neck held, etc. Whewww it was a lot of work, they should start these classes for kids much younger than 17, sometimes it's too late!!

Here is my sis trying to work her 'mommy' magic:)
Here is the goof ball of the century.
Always reaching for a BITE
Braxton and Domanic feeding the ducks

too cute!
Our favorite animals of the day...
The tiger NEVER is out in the open when we go to the zoo, and today he was right in the middle of his dandelion patch, yes!

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