Monday, June 28, 2010

Cooney Days

Here starts out our camping season, the weather has been great so far but I can feel the heat coming:( I love nice warm days and rain all night, but the high temps are almost here and our little camper can pump out some heat, but lacks a.c. Here are some pics of our first and second outing up at Cooney. We are trying to get Thumper ready for camping a lot so we took many long walks to tire them out. I thought if they were tired they would rest in the camper and not bark, seems to be working so far. Here is a spot we walk to on the lake, this day was beautiful! Braxton and Dad's new waterproof camping/water shoes so Braxton doesn't have any problems like last time;) (I told him over and over not to go in the water with pumas on, but in the last 5 minutes of throwing rocks in the water he walked about 8 inches into the lake and had soaking wet shoes for the whole trip!

Our trusty little camper!

I'm sooo happy it is camping season, I love going to bed smelling like a campfire!

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