Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Few Randoms in the Mix:)

-Thumper Roo.
-Braxton in his new frog beanie from the fair!
-Eating popsickles in big boy undies!

-Braxton got a gift from the neighbors when we got our wedding gift, so thoughtful!
-The boys at the park flying the Buzz Lightlear kite on a windy(enough) day.
-Tonka hiding and also stuck in my shoe rack! I could barely get him out of the slits. We had a huge lightening/thunder storm a while ago and the dogs usually FREAK after looking and looking, this is where we found Tonka! Haha. Poor Guy.
-What they boys do when I'm at work, weird!
-Brax and his cousins:)
-Bj and me shooting guns! Yikes! I was a little nervous at how close the other people were to me, and they could just shoot me if they wanted! AH!

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