Saturday, October 16, 2010


Whew, I'm exhausted, this picture upload needs to be a little faster!! This was def the hardest blog to post yet, we had so many great pictures!! I tried to throw in a little of everything, so I hope you all enjoy! We left the states on the Monday after our wedding and headed for the Dominican Republic. We had a little trouble when we got to Florida because Hurricane Earl was headed staight for the Dominican, but our pilots took the chance! It ended up being a great plane ride but I was terrified of the winds! Once we landed we were in the middle of a downpour like I had never seen in an OUTDOOR airport! That was interesting! English speaking people were hard to come by but when we found them we clung on! We spent 7 days taking in the Dominican on some fun adventures and also realxing by the pool drinking too many AMAZING pina coladas! There was only 1 bad day (when I was sicker than a dog and wanted my mom and ramon noodle broth) but Bj still tried to find something to do. Once my fever broke I tried very hard the next day to take in all our safari trip had to offer. When it was time to go home, I was soo ready to be clean and drink and eat food that was safe! We made it back safely and with our cuban stogies! Hooray! -Plane ride there
-Outdoor show once we made it to the resort, it had just stopped raining.
-Crazy little bird we saw by the fountains.
-Bj catching some waves, the hurricane made them quite strong!
-Our beautiful pool area, we had 5 resorts all connected whose pools we could use, but we never made it past ours, next time!
-Trying to capture a picture of the waves crashing on our second day, it was rainy again. But we figured out the key to making the rain an umbrella!
-The middle part of our wing of the resort, it started flooding on the second day from the rain and coconuts were on the ground along with quite a few branches.
-Beautiful waves, not everyone gets to experience the power of a hurricane!
-Bj and me at one of the shows.
-I got my toes in the water, *** in the sand, not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand, life is good today, life is good today.
-On the 3d day we took a mud boggin excursion to Macao Beach and through some towns. We had a lot of fun and got a little muddy. Of course when it was my turn to drive and I was a little nervous, I almost hit a dog!!
-Our mud bogger.
-All done and covered in MUD.
-This pic is a little out of order along with the next on, but this is one of the drug dogs at the airport.
-and this is the outdoor airport, ok now back to order:)
-Our room was decorated for the first few days with balloons and the coolest flowers, happy honeymoon!
-Our fountains.
-The beach once the waves calmed down.
-The bar in our pool:)
-On the third day while I was fighting my urge to throw up we enjoyed a nice couples massage, and this little guy was hanging out in the peaceful area where we waited to go to our room.
-Sad little dog, there were many and it broke my heart.
-On the 4th day we took a safari trip ALL DAY LONG and I'm so very glad we did. We would not really know what this country is like if we stayed in the resort the whole time. I was trying to recover from the day before and found that bananas and cucumbers helped:) This pictures is at an escuela, so small! Many kids could not afford to go here because their parents could buy the uniform, pencils, and paper.
-One of the nicer houses in the city. Everything was gated.
-Car lot picture for BJ:)
-Statues at one of the churches we visited.
-This boy was selling live chickens in the city, their little ankles were tied to another's little ankles. Sad, and gross!
-Everything was so so green!
- We visited this place in the hills where this guy showed us how to roll cigars, pretty neat!
-Beautiful flowers were everywhere, I'd bore you with all of them but chose to just post a few.
- Crazy fruit/flowers, remember I was coming off the worst fever in the history of time, so I payed less attention than I did in school!
-We stopped along the ride to ride horses and hike this amazing river. I obviously can't do the horse thing bc they make me itchy and 'hivey', and bc of the lack of soap in this country Bj couldn't either. We had a lot of fun hiking though, and the cucumbers at lunch helped me to feel even better! By the end of the day I swam in the ocean at our last stop and drank a beer!
-Bj climbed to the top of this log, apparently he fell too and I missed it!
-This is one the kids who took people on the horseback rides, he found this snake in the trees! I swear snakes love the people here and the bees don't sting them, wth?!
-Ewwww, Bj held that crazy thing!
-Getting ready to get back on our safari truck.
-This was one of our last nights there. We had dinner with some of our American friends who we are now friends with on facebook! It was soooo nice to hear our language down there, but a lot of the spanish we have learned in our life came back as well. We met so many great couples and really enjoyed the pool dates, drink dates, casino dates, dinner dates, etc. It was great getting to know you all!
-Bj up on stage, he just can't say no! I laughed my butt off at some of the things he had to do up there, poor guy! (I know how to say no VERY well, and I mean it!)
-Me and my babe:) We had such a great time, thanks hubby for making it the best trip I have been on yet, can't wait for many more to come!

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