Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wedding Season!! Peek Wedding

After we got back from our Honeymoon we had some good friends weddings to attend. The first one was Chris and Lynsey Peek. I met Lynsey through work and was so excited to be invited to her wedding. Our good friends Jeremy and Dez were invited too, and as you will see, the boys have alot of fun together! Jeremy is usually on call all the time, but with his new job promotion(yay!) he has a little more freedom. I only captured a few pics at the ceremony but it was very neat. They got married in an airport hanger on 9/11/10. Chris is a pilot so it was very fitting. After the ceremony we headed down to the depot for their reception. The depot is right on the railroad tracks downtown. We had some great food, danced, and WAY to much fun! Thanks for the great time Peeks! -Ceremony.
-Love Birds Dez and Jeremy.

-He looks innocent, but I swear, he's not:)

-A few friends as the night was winding down.
-The bride helping clean up at the end of the night, silly girl!

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