So, I just found out that our wedding pics are going to take a little longer than we were told, so here are some funny mustache booth pics to tie us over, they are pretty funny!
-Bj's Mom's Sister's family.

-My Brother Ben.
-My Mom and Brother Cam.
-Bj and my bald Uncle Roche.
-Friends Chris and Barry.


-Granny and Poopah trying to figure it out:)

-Brother Cam.
-Friends Teagan, Mitrianne, and Jamie.
-Me and my adorable Husband:)

-Bj's Brother Nik.
-Friends Chris and our friends Jeremy and Jessi's Daughter Ava.
-Friends Abi and Lynsey.
-Friends Katie and Ava.
-Friends Jeremy and Dez, they will have bea-U-timous babies:)
-Friend Roger and his boy Patrick.
-My cousins Callie, Jase, and Danielle.

-Bj's parents Bob and Carol.

-My Sister Katie and flower girl Tailoranne.
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