Friday, October 15, 2010


Just as June faded and July was here, our schedule just filled up!! We had so much going on, starting with engagement pictures, Fourth of July parties, Braxton's Birthday, and a trip to our neighbors cabin. It was such a fun month and somehow I didn't have a panic attack planning the wedding at the same time! -engagement pic

-Fireworks at Dan and Mitrianne's house

-All snuggled up to watch the show

-Bj and the little boys on a 'youth' four wheeler!! Bj's face matches 2 of the boys!

-Bubba gettin ready to ride in his pj's and coat!

-Tenley holding the Young's new puppy, we think we will breed him with Thumper:)

-Bj and Braxton

-The little girls playing with their babies!

-Tenley and her mama Teagan

Uncle Nik got a new puppy, the smallest puppy EVER!! Thumper was very busy about every 5 seconds making sure this dog was still on the couch, it was hilarious! Here we have Braxton's birthday party pictures, it was toy storied out!! We had a fun BBQ and let the kids run wild! Our favorite part was definitely the cake! Baskin Robbins never let's me down! Here is silly David in the above pic using the candles as chopsticks, what a goof!-Happy Birthday! Braxton getting ready to blow out his candles!

-Buzz Lightyear cake

-I'm Three!

This was our weekend trip to our neighbors cabin, we had such a relaxing time and it was fun for the boys to fish, hike, bbq, etc. The hike as you can see was beautiful and I had no idea Billings had any beauty like this so close!!

-Can you tell Bubba is about done hiking??

Braxton and our favorite neighbors, Tom and Lynne, and Pete and Linda.

-Aren't my boys cute!?

-Amazing view of the moon coming up over the hill by the cabin.

-Hummingbird for Linda, she loves them!

-Braxton and Bj heading out to four wheel

-What they saw on their trip, I believe they are called elk????? Bahaha, I have no idea, they are all deer to me:)

Done by the River that we ended up floating later in the day. Braxton was trying to skip rocks, he made me soooo nervous because of course we left the life jacket at home!

-Bj and Braxton holding a water snake, ewwww!

-The boys putting together a toy so Braxton had something to play with while the adults relaxed!

-View from the cabin, next on the blog~)wedding pictures! Hooray!

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